Top articole de uz casnic pentru urgențe de iarnă household Review: Did I Return My Bragi Bluetooth Wireless ‘The Headphone’

Review: Did I Return My Bragi Bluetooth Wireless ‘The Headphone’

Bragi are known for their incredibly successful $3.4m Kickstarter campaign that launched their original dash wireless headphones back in 2014. however they are also known for over promising and under delivering with that product.

The Headphone

It looks like they’ve not learned much either judging by the release of their second line, the extremely named ‘The Headphone’. I originally bought a pair on launch (5th September) for a promised November delivery. This came and went, but Bragi assured pre-order customers that they would have theirs in time for Christmas.

Then on the 19th of December Bragi announced that they would not meet this promised delivery either. The final insult was this crass PDF used to people waiting to gift them which stated it “…can be printed, enclosed in an envelope and left under the tree”. hi Bragi, please print the picture below and put it in an envelope. Păstrați restul.

Anyway, they’re finally here so lets try and put my annoyance with the company aside for now and see if the ‘The Headphone’ is actually any good or not.

Ce e in cutie?

The 2 units that make up ‘The Headphone’ (who on earth thought this was a good name) are completely wire complimentary and come in a plastic box that serves as the charger and carry case (more on that in a bit). There’s a Micro USB cord included, but you’ll have to find your own USB charger.

There are 3 sets of ideas for different sized ears, 2 silicon and 1 special ‘Comply’ foam set that are indicated to mould to your ears best.


I love the idea of tiny in-ear headphones like this and it’s easy to underestimate the freedom that wireless brings. It’s not hard to see a time when they might be so small they’ll become near invisible, nearly like implants, where we’ll be able to hear our digital assistants talking to us without any individual else knowing.

The ‘Headphone’ is missing plenty of features from the Dash. All the fitness functionality has gone as is the built in 4GB storage for music plus the gyroscope, accelerometer and other sensors. but all that’s OK. The dash was trying to be too creative for its own good.

One of the things that’s also missing is a lot more of a wrench though. Unlike a lot of the competition in this sector, the case does not include a built-in battery. You still need to put them in to this ‘charging case’ (they snap onto their contacts nicely with magnets) but you then need to plug the case into a power source. hopefully Bragi will produce a battery case accessory in the future.

Speaking of charging it takes a bit less than 2 hours to charge the built-in 100 mAh Lithium polymer battery from empty and this gives up to 6 hours in use (standby time 250 hours). The battery level is displayed on the top right of the iphone when connected.

They support any smartphone, tablets, computer or other device with the A2DP Bluetooth profile (A2DP v1.3, Hands complimentary profile v1.6, Headset profile v1.2) and maintains a solid connection with my iPhone. You can only connect to 1 device at a time, although it can memorise the last 4.

Apple EarPods (and as a result AirPods) do not stay in my ears. I seem to be missing the required notch at the bottom of my lugs to hold them in and they just fall out, even when I’m standing still. The Headphone on the other hand do fit me well, stay in place and are pretty comfortable.

If you enjoy the video at the bottom of this page it shows the user tapping the controls on the ideal earpiece lightly, but this is misleading. You have to give either of the 3 tiny buttons a good push, indicating you are forcing the headphone into your ear which can be a little uncomfortable.

You use these controls to play/pause (single click of bottom button), switch between tracks (double click the bottom button for next track, triple click for previous) and to take phone calls.

You can summon Siri (GoogleNow, Cortana) for voice commands (play me the top hits from 1980), all without having to remove your device from your pocket.

You can also activate the ‘Audio Transparency’ feature which allows you to add in a little ambient noise to the mix to be better aware of your surroundings, especially useful if you are a runner or cyclists perhaps.

On windy days you hear a fair bit of rustling noise though as the air hits the auditory microphones. as well as these left and ideal external mics there’s an EarBone microphone too and callers say I sound a little ‘different’ but good.


So how do they sound for music?

With Knowles balanced Armature speakers (Frequency range:20 – 20.000Hz) A2DP profile, AAC and SBC audio codec, the Headphone delivers a rich, dynamic stereo experience anywhere, anytime.

That sounds terrific doesn’t it. but when I first listened to EDM and electronic music the Bragi’s bass was very disappointing.

However things got much better for me when I swapped over to those Comply memory foam tips. Tu cMaximizează basul, asigurându -se că sunt bine în urechile tale și sigilate corect. Spuma a îmbunătățit absolut atât basul, cât și confortul pentru mine.

Cu aceste idei montate, acestea sunt un pic mult mai fin în ceea ce privește prindere în încărcător și, de obicei, necesită o apăsare pentru a stoarce spuma pentru a permite contactelor să se așeze corect.

Nu merg la fel de tare pe cât îmi place și știu din experiență că acest tip de căști trebuie să meargă mult mai tare atunci când ascult cuvântul rostit (cum ar fi vizionarea unui film) în timpul unui zbor. Din fericire, aplicația mea de redare video la Choice Infuse poate îmbunătăți volumul.




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„Căștile noastre” a costat 119 USD pentru o lansare specială, dar acum se vinde pentru 149 de dolari. Chiar și la acest preț, ele sunt încă cele mai puțin scumpe din clasă. Sunt un pic mai accesibile decât Apple AirPods, au o durată de viață mai bună a bateriei, probabil că controale mai bune și poate cel mai bine nu te fac să arăți ca Dork of Borg. Iată câteva dintre cele mai apropiate competiții …

Apple AirPods (159 USD)

Samsung Gear Iconx (199 USD)

Motorola Verveones+ (250 USD)

Jabra Elite Sport (250 USD)

Bragi Dash (299 USD)


În ciuda numelui stupid și a lansării neplăcute, nu sunt răi atunci. Am sfârșit prin a redacta părți ale acestei recenzii, deoarece le-am returnat aproape pentru o rambursare înainte de a schimba la sfaturile de conformitate.

Încă îmi place mult mai mult bas și pentru ei să meargă puțin mai tare. Cu toate acestea, le folosesc deja suficient (de multe ori doar urechea ideală pentru a vă bucura de YouTube etc) pentru a justifica 100 de lire sterline pe care le -am plătit pentru ei la lansarea specială, așa că le voi păstra.

Ce urmeaza?

Poate că este nerealist să sperăm că modelele minimaliste de genul acesta pot suna vreodată la fel de bune ca căștile „adecvate”. După câțiva ani, pot să recomand în continuare cu mare drag Jabra Revo Wireless (citiți -mi recenzia aici), mai multe căști pe care le ascult mult mai mult, cred că Jabras sunt mâinile în cea mai mare afacere Bluetooth wireless.

Există trei căști Bluetooth pentru copii relativ noi, care fac o mulțime de valuri. The Bose QuietComfort 35, Sennheiser PXC 550 și Sony MDR-1000X. Poate că este timpul să mușc glonțul, să -mi crești bugetul și să încerci unul dintre ei. Vânătoarea mea pentru cele mai mari căști wireless continuă. Recenzie: Căști Bluetooth Wireless Jabra Revo Revo

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Ultima actualizare la 2021-10-04 / Link-uri / imagini de afiliere din API-ul de publicitate pentru produse Amazon

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